Costa Rica has 2 places called Playa Hermosa, one located in Puntarenas and the other in Guanacaste, where the Bosque del Mar hotel is located. Our Playa Hermosa is located in the North Pacific of the country.
Almost any general map you have during your trip could guide you to Guanacaste, plus there are plenty of road signs along the way to make it easy for you to get to Liberia (the provincial capital) or anywhere else you want.
If you come from the interior of the country or plan to land at the Liberia International Airport, we recommend 2 ways to get to Bosque del Mar:
Route #1: Guardia – Playa Hermosa
Route #2: Sardinal – Playa Hermosa
Both routes are shown in detail on Google maps or in this section.By car, it takes approximately 30 minutes to reach the hotel.